Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Sri Lanka In 4 Mins! - As We Travel: Asia

Friday, January 9, 2015

Paradise. Ceylon

How do I say........... what I feel when I saw this video on YouTube, Amazing........ what I say simply. I want to say thank you to the publisher of this video because they have corrected some thing wrong that there was for a long time " Sri Lanka as a side dish of the Maldives" . I can proudly say as a Sri Lankan , we are unique form the rest of the world as we have a undisputed great history ,multiracial  culture and traditions kept for  a even  today to tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Destination Unknown Sri Lanka

except the beaches there are a lot more to see in SriLanka. for that you have to make some lefts and rights in a safe way. my advice is before you make your turn  you must be informed about where you go